Sacred Services
Compassionate Spirit Guided Healing
The main healing practices I’m experienced with and utilize, in partnership with Compassionate Spirit Allies:
Reiki and Shamanic Reiki
Spirit Release with Compassion
Curse and Thoughtform Unraveling
Space, Land, Home Clearing, Healing, Blessing and Harmonizing
Soul and Vital Essence Retrieval
Extraction of spiritual intrusions
Power Animal Retrieval
Nature Constellations
When I do any kind of a spirit release or curse/thoughtform unraveling, my team makes sure the energies are permanently transitioned to wherever is best for them. If it's an unraveling, we go to the origin and unravel the whole situation thoroughly.
With extraction, the intrusions extracted are permanently neutralized.
Most of spiritual illness is from loss of power - so we do power retrieval to shore you up and not be as susceptible to interference in the future.
My compassionate Spirit team directs and supports all healing work.
Energy Hygiene
We are electro-magnetic beings-streams of consciousness in form. If you are wondering how to discern between what is your own energy and what is not, then energy hygiene practices can be extremely effective in recognizing the differences! All souls have the right to their own sovereignty. Personal Sovereignty is the right to be self governing while still in affiliation with nation, tribe, clan, organization and family. Our ability to support the sovereignty of a nation is directly related to our own capacity to be sovereign. Sovereignty is the birthright of all beings. Sometimes in our western culture we are geared toward giving our power away. For me, establishing healthy boundaries has been an ongoing 'un-conditioning'. Our own healthy boundary practice is helpful to everybody, and I feel it is a major responsibility for everyone.
Our consensual reality doesn't teach, or even acknowledge, the need for energy hygiene.
Sometimes we want Energy Management practices for our own healthy boundary awareness. Sometimes we need them because those around us aren't managing their own energy fields. Maybe we want to discern between what's ours and what is not.
Some people have learned from childhood, whether consciously or unconsciously to put up energetic 'shields', which can be necessary in an immediate situation. Shields require a lot of our own energy and vitality and if we are constantly funding those shields out of habit, we can severely deplete our own life force and/or our immune systems. Life boats are essential in a crisis, but they weren’t meant to be lived in!
If this resonates and you are looking for ways to strengthen your energy field, create healthy boundaries and shore up your sovereignty, contact me through my intake form!
Compassionate Depossession
Compassionate Depossession is a practice by which a trained practitioner helps to facilitate the release of intrusive or disruptive spiritual energies from an individual.
Individuals may experience symptoms or issues that are not solely psychological or physical in nature, but rather stem from spiritual or energetic disturbances. These disturbances could manifest as feeling "not oneself," experiencing unexplained fears or anxieties, or sensing the presence of other beings or energies. These energies can come from the ancestral field, from another person or another being, from a place or from a thing (ie: an artifact, etc.)
There is an inherent divine order to everything and everyone has a right placement within that order.
Sometimes energies can be out of alignment with their right placement which can then cause disharmony for anyone coming into connection with the misplaced/displaced energies.
These energies could be human or non-human. If someone has a disruption in the crossing-over process, they can get 'stuck' on the earth plane. Sometimes energies find themselves in a situation that isn't ideal for them or anyone associated with them-misplaced.
This misplacement can lead to an unconscious 'overshadowing' of living people by the energy/energies. This overshadowing can then manifest as physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual distress. Most people aren't ever even consciously aware of these other energies or beings.
During a compassionate depossession session, we work with the individual to identify and communicate with any intrusive energies that may be presenting. This communication is done with compassion and understanding, aiming to help both the individual and the energy/being involved.
This involves dialogue, visualization, and energetic techniques with the full on support of Sacred Powers to facilitate the safe transition of the being/energy from the individual's energy field or spiritual space. We approach this work with a focus on healing and compassion for all involved.
We have shrouded the landscape of the afterlife and other realms, in mystery or taboo for a very long time.
Heart Centered Compassionate Depossession is steeped in the deepest Mystery Traditions. My teacher, Betsy Bergstrom, navigates these mysteries with courage, integrity and finesse; teaching us a compassionate process for helping alleviate suffering -not only for the physical person but, just as importantly, for non-physical beings who are out of place, causing suffering for all involved. I am grateful for her teachings and to have the opportunity to offer this deeply sacred work.
(This is a photo of
Mont St. Michael in France)
Curse and Thoughtform Unraveling
A long as there have been written words on cave walls, there have been 2 things foremost in human consciousness-curses and possessing spirits. Cursing has been written about in almost all traditions around the world.
Cursing is still alive and well in many cultures in modern times. Whenever a society is in crisis, many revert back to the old ways.
Words can be very powerful! Especially if the one saying the words has the ability to hold big power.
Power is not distributed evenly. The amount of power someone can wield may depend on one's lineages they have either descended from or been initiated into (ancestral, magical, healing, past life, etc.) If someone holds great power and speaks with intention, words can bring into reality what is being spoken. Even if laid on oneself.
Curses in general have 3 parts-Intention, Target and Fuel. Thought+Target+Energy. Fields and energies in the middle world have their own magnetism and can attract like energies. Something may start as a blessing or a protection spell for the family but can actually end up acting as a curse on the target! When someone speaks with intention and emotion ie: fiery anger, icy cold anger, etc. the fuel can utilize the elements, bringing it forth from the etheric into the physical.
Thoughtforms are like curses without a target. People can be receptive to universal, on consensual reality thoughtforms. It can show up as looping thoughts or stubborn negative mental habit patterns that nothing seems to help budge.
In our modern western culture, we curse each other and ourselves unconsciously all the time. Think about highly charged thoughts and words you've used toward other people-These can manifest as a curse or a spiritual intrusion for whoever it hits.
In my work, we go to the origin of the curse or the thoughtform and my compassionate allies unravel the whole situation thoroughly, through time, from everyone affected by the curse. In effect, as if it had never happened. This can bring big relief to whole family systems as well as the client's life moving forward.
The homework for the client during integration is to really become aware of the old stories that have developed from the long term effects of a curse and work to shift the mental habit, since there won’t be the influence of the curse anymore! Opening to a “new normal”.